
(c) 2011 S. Jedlinski & J. Burns - all rights reserved
et cetera

Don't allow Parkinson's to limit your world

Up, up, and away

I have found that traveling or even just going to a special event often presents challenges that can be avoided by planning ahead.

When flying, I always outline my special needs when making my airline reservation. These include:

  • A wheelchair or cart to take me (and my companion) through security and to the gate.
  • The ability to pre-board so I have the extra time I need to settle in without the pressure of holding up a long line of people.
  • An aisle seat so that I can get up without disturbing fellow passengers when I get stiff and need to stand and move around during the flight.

So far I have always been accommodated.




Take me out to the ball game

My husband and I have always enjoyed going to a few baseball games each year, but the obstacles awaiting me made me dread going. Uncomfortable sitting for so long, I would want to stand or get up and move around, but it seemed that I was always far from an aisle. The thought of negotiating my way in and out of my row without tripping over the many feet in my path or drawing attention to myself was intimidating. To avoid embarrassment, I ended up spending about half of the game pacing in the concession area. Eventually, I just stopped going.

This year, my husband suggested I contact the ticket office and ask about handicapped seating. Eureka! That was the answer! The seating area is wheelchair accessible. Padded folding chairs are provided next to the stadium seats for those who don't use a wheelchair. Plus there are no rows behind these sections, so I can stand and move around without bothering anyone. Once again, I look forward to attending the games.

Now whenever planning to attend a concert, theatre production, or other special event, I check with the ticket office first to see what accommodations are available for people with disabilities. It's part of my "plan for life."



World Parkinson's Congress **Legal Disclaimer: The contents of this website are solely for information purposes about our experiences and are not in any way to be considered medical advice. For medical advice, contact your doctor.  While we make every effort to assure that the information is accurate and up to date, an error may occasionally occur.  All information and materials are provided AS IS without any warranty of any kind.  In no event will this website or its owner be held liable for any damages arising out of information contained in our website.