home intro relationships exercise Sheryl's
tips for
getting by

Find activities you enjoy and "stick with the program"

  • Find a convenient time and place to exercise, and make it part of your
    daily routine.</p>
  • Plan your exercise around your “on” time, when your medicines have Parkinson’s symptoms under control.
  • Recognize that your energy level, like that of people without health issues, will change day to day. Instead of giving in to this, break up your routine into smaller, more manageable segments.
  • Start with easier exercises, and slowly build the length and intensity of your workout, with the goal of exercising at least an hour a day.
  • Avoid boredom by rotating through a variety of activities you enjoy and listening to your favorite music.
  • Exercise with a “buddy” – a family member, friend, or co-worker – who will hold you accountable if you do not show up.
  • Work with a certified personal trainer, even if only monthly, to help you achieve maximum results in minimum time. He or she will evaluate your Parkinson’s symptoms, fitness level, and overall health; provide feedback about your strengths and weaknesses; and develop a written, daily workout plan to address your specific needs. This will include establishing goals and realistic steps to help you meet these. 


Don’t be beat by extreme heat

Summer in the desert southwest can be brutal, especially for PWP, who as a group are at increased risk for melanoma. I’ve developed a number of protective strategies that allow me to maintain my swimming, walking, and tricycle riding routine year round without putting myself at additional risk.

Whether at the pool or on the road, I am conscientious about:

  • Swimming in the shade or wearing a 45 SPF swimshirt.
  • Wearing a 45 SPF long sleeved shirt when walking.
  • Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, even when sitting under an umbrella visiting with friends at the pool.
  • Applying and re-applying waterproof sunblock.
  • Starting my morning walk earlier and earlier. When the heat becomes too much, I move inside the local mall, which opens to walkers at 6:00 a.m.


*Stretching images courtesy of Parkinson Foundation of the Heartland

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